Wednesday, April 30, 2008

let's go...

to slab city.
and salvation mountain.

in the movie Into the Wild, they go to Slab City, CA. Also the home of Salvation Mountain. And I want to go. And I want to meet this man:

don't you want to meet him?
God, why do you give me desires to go places when gas is $3.65/gal?


Meg Rigano said...



Kristen Robbins Warren said...

meaghan. i watched this with my brother over my spring break and it was incredibly haunting to me. such a beautiful, well done movie and yet left me with a sense of creepiness. would love to hear more of your thoughts. i was going to blog about it, but wasn't sure how to deal. i knew the ending all along, but my poor brother didn't. he wasn't prepared for that one. aye. i just watched diving bell and the butterfly tonight, and though it wasn't creepy at all, it was beautifully heartbreaking. stories. longing. sigh.

Hannah Smith said...

im back. where are you?

Unknown said...

my fellow wc boss with me this summer went there. and met him. and i guess he's the coolest man ever. then he gave my friend 1000 postcards of his artwork. i should sent you one ;-)

Forever In This Moment said...

Gas is 1.89 in Escondido... I guess its time to go meet this man! :O)